We invite you to explore parts of the Catholic Christian teachings and traditions. The following questions are listed in six categories:
God, Jesus, The Trinity, Spirituality, Prayer, and Pop Culture.
These questions are answered by Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Mike Schmitz. To view one of the questions, simply click on the question. You can listen to or view them in any order you wish.
Why do we believe in God? 6:05
How do we know we are encountering God? 1:35
What images of God are present in the Old Testament? 1:07
What images of God exist in the New Testament? 1:01
So what about God? 1:45
Why is there so much disorder in the universe? 5:13
What are the most common views of God? 3:47
How is Nature presented regarding the Biblical God? 9:39
Who God Is and Who God Is Not? 9:56
Who is Jesus? 6:35
Why did Jesus have to die the way he did? 4:37
What is so significant about the resurrection of Jesus? 2:48
How do we know Jesus rose from the dead? 1:00
What is the central message of Jesus Christ? 0:51
How do we come to know Jesus personally? 1:27
Is the Bible the only way to know Jesus? 1:26
If we follow Jesus, are we giving up our freedom? 1:55
Do sinners have any way of getting to Heaven? 1:26
What is the Eucharist? 3:37
Why is the Eucharist so important for our salvation? 5:21
What might prevent reception of the Eucharist? 1:06
What is the Trinity? 2:24
Is the truth of the Trinity found in Scripture? 0:45
Can we completely understand the Trinity? 1:43
How else is the mystery of the Trinity revealed to us? 4:14
How does the Church fit into and serve the Trinity? 2:03
Can God really be both one and many? 1:56
How can Jesus be both God and human? 2:41
What does it mean to be saved? 1:51
What is required of us to be saved? 1:07
What is Grace? 0:30
What is Spirituality? 2:21
What is essential to Christian Spirituality? 1:33
Are there false spirits in the world? 2:07
Is there a Devil? 11:01
What is Spiritual Warfare? 8:14
Do evil spirits attempt to stop us from following Jesus Christ? 1:37
Why is Mary known as The Seat of Wisdom? 2:57
What are the various forms of Christian discipleship? 4:12
What gifts does God give the Church? 2:44
Why Be a Catholic Christian and Not Just any Denomination Christian?
What is the mission of the Church? 1:47
What is evangelization? 2:00
How should you read the Bible? 7:38
What Are the deep Misunderstandings about the Bible? 7:35
What is prayer? 1:11
What are the different types of prayer? 1:06
Why are prayers of petition so important to God? 1:15
Can our prayers change God’s mind? 1:29
Should we pray in the name of Jesus? 0:49
Why doesn’t God answer our prayers? 2:49
What is contemplative prayer? 3:10
Does God need our prayer? 2:14
Why is it so important to go to Church? 1:00
How can we be better at praying? 3:00
Do the Saints adore the Eucharist? 2:36
Where does the praying of the Rosary Come From? 10:27
Do Catholics Follow All Those Weird Old Testament Laws? 4:15
Does God Owe You Anything? 6:26
What is the Center of Life? 4:35
Did God Change? 5:15
What is the Most Important Part of Any Conversation? 5:30
What is Transgender? 6:56
Do All Good People Go to Heaven? 10:59
Is This A Sin? 6:51
What is “Acceptance”? 6:01
Does What You Believe Make a Difference? 9:23
Why confess our sins to a Priest? 8:43
What constitutes a “practicing” Catholic? 6:44
What is the Church teaching on IVF and Contraception? 12:38
Can a Catholic Marry a Non-Catholic? 10:44